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  2. Any and all commentaries made and opinions expressed on this site originate with those who provide them. As such, the content of this site does not necessarily reflect the policies, beliefs or opinions of Jerry Pippin Productions, LDWebs, or any of our advertisers or sponsors.

  3. Be informed that all files, containing recordings of audio or video music, are posted on this site either with permission from, or under royalty agreements with, appropriate organizations, and that copying these files from this site is expressly forbidden.

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  5. If anyone contests the fair public use status of any particular images or any other content, not otherwise attributed to any other individuals or organizations, displayed on this site, contact Jerry Pippin Productions in writing at the address given at the bottom of the home page of this site.

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  9. Any material submitted for publication on this site that is proven to be fraudulent, to the satisfaction of Jerry Pippin Productions, will be removed from the site upon written submission of such proof.

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J. Pippin Show