Translation of the video-
note from the translator- "I
have attempted a translation of the
transcript below, adding one or two
of my own clarifications as well,
which are in curly {} brackets."
00:12 słychac po polsku stanowczym
tonem"uspokój sie"
00:12 One can hear in Polish in an
assertive tone, "Calm down."
00:16 "patrz mu w oczy"
00:16 {In Polish,} "Look him in the
00:21 jeden jeszcze raz tym razem
bardzie proszacym tonem "uspokój sie"
00:21 Once again, but this time in a
more pleading tone, {in Polish,}
"Calm down."
00:23 odgłos przeładowywanego
00:23 The sound of a pistol being
00:23 pusty trzask jakby
uderzenie(strzał pistoletu z
tłumikiem) i potem chyba "ała";
00:23 An empty {dull?} whack, as if
an impact (the shot of a pistol with
a silencer) and afterwards likely, "ow."
00:27 "Niech pani"....(dalej nie
zrozumiale)...koncówka "Kaczyńskich"
00:27 {In Polish,} "Ma'am, do/do
Kaczynskis/of the Kaczynskis."
00:29 po polsku"idziesz(to znak by
sygnał puscili "syrene"i zagłuszyli
strzały,potem po rosyjsku przez
krótkofalówke "zjob" bo zaraz
rozlega sie dzwiek syreny!!)
00:29 In Polish, "You're going"
(That was a sign to turn on the
signal, a siren, and mute the shots.
Then in Russian through a radio, "Zyob,"
because immediately the sound of the
siren is heard.) {Possibly "Zyob" might
sound like a garbled or colloquial
form of "It's done" or "It's
happening." Could the siren merely
be a passing train? If so, perhaps
they knew when it was due to come.}
00:31 cos niewyraznie po rosyjsku "chodjat"
00:31 Something unclearly in
Russian, "Come on."
00:47 po rosyjsku "dawaj tuda
paskuda" ;
00:47 In Russian, "Give it over
here, skank." {A "playful" rhyming
phrase, possibly spoken teasingly to
a helper with a gun, or possibly
spoken insultingly to one or more
intended victims.}
00:50 "ubijaj tuda"
00:50 {In Russian,} "Be beating down
{killing} over here."
00:51 po polsku :"Boże mój Boże"
00:51 In Polish, "God, my God." {Or,
"God mine, God."}
jest???"- ( ktoś zaśmiał sie)
00:53 Now may God forgive me for
this, but it's the President's voice
{in Polish,} "What's this??"
(Someone laughed.) {I suppose one
would have to electronically analyze
the recording to verify whose voice
this is. In any case, it is likely
an intended victim.}
00:53 streljaj" ;
00:53 {In Russian,} "Shoot."
00:55 przeładowanie broni słychac
00:55 The loading of a weapon can be
00:57 strzał ;
00:57 A shot.
01:00 autor filmu "ni chuja sybir"*
01:00 The author of the film {in
Russian}, "No
quarter, Siberic." {Rude
wording in a Russian accent.
Possibly sincere, but more
likely only for the benefit of the
nearby official seen a little later
in the film guarding against closer
approach to the action.}
01:06 strzał ;
01:06 A shot.
01:07 smiechy;
01:13 "ja wam dam wy chuje je***...(urywa
sie,słychac strzał)!"
01:13 {In Polish,} "I will give it
to you, you pricks fu
{fu.....pricks}..........." (break
in the sound, a shot is heard)
01:22 strzał
01:22 A shot
01:07 Laughter.
01:22 strzał
01:22 A shot
01:23 dziadek "a gdie wchodisz tu...
01:23 A grandfather {old man,} {in
Russian,} "And where are you coming
in here........ {snooping} around?"
{Probably not said by some old man,
but rather by the nearby official,
mentioned above at 01:00. He might
naturally have muttered this to the
author of the film as the
author passed by him.}
01:23 autor filmu "ni huja siebie"*
01:23 The author of the film, "No
quarter, myself." {This is a blatant
misquotation. The author of the film
can clearly be heard to say "No
quarter, Siberic," like he said the
first time. Again, he probably
only repeated it for the benefit of
the official he just passed.}